The forms on this page are provided in PDF format. They can be printed and filled out manually or filled out on a computer (using Adobe Pro software) and then printed. Please note that all forms must be printed and filed as a hard paper copy.
A searchable indexed version of the Provincial Court Rules and Practice Directives can be found HERE.
Applications will be commenced by completing Form 1 (Notice of Application).
Responses to Applications and Consents to Applications are to be completed as per Forms 2 and 3.
A party who initiates, responds to, or consents to an application may do so by completing Form 1, 2 or 3 and by sending it by mail, fax or email to the Provincial Court location where the application is to be heard.
A copy must be provided to the opposing party, as per Rule 3.
Main navigation: show child menu items
The Provincial Court is in the process of creating fillable PDF versions of all the criminal court forms in this section. Updated versions will be posted as they are completed. Please note: All forms, including the interactive versions, must still be printed and hard copies filed with the Court.
Form # | Form Name | ||
Judicial Referral Hearings Process | |||
Certified Copy Request Form | |||
Order for Appointing Counsel for Cross-Examination | |||
Checklist for Order Appointing Counsel for Cross-Examination | |||
Impact of Race and Culture Assessment Request Form | |||
Gladue Report/Sentencing Request Form | |||
Affidavit of Service | |||
Application to Vary Probation Order by Consent | |||
Application to Vary Release Order by Consent | |||
3/2 | Peace Bond - Information (Sec. 810) | ||
Peace Bond - Endorsements (Sec. 810) | |||
Peace Bond - Statement of Complaint (Sec. 810) | |||
5/32 | Peace Bond - Recognizance (Sec. 810) | ||
6 | Summons | ||
7A | Notice of Hearing (To Compel Appearance - Private Prosecution) | WORD | |
7/2 | Information | ||
7/2 | Information - Appendix A | ||
9 (C75) | Appearance Notice (English & French) | ||
10 (C75) | Undertaking (enforcement officers) | ||
12 (C75) | Surety Declaration | ||
14/16 | Subpoena (to a Witness) | ||
19 | Order (to Transport a Prisoner to Court) | ||
19A | Affidavit (to Transport a Prisoner) | ||
24 | Order (of Prohibition) (Secs. 111(6) & 114 CC) | WORD | |
25 | Order (of Prohibition) (Secs. 109 & 114 CC) | WORD | |
25.1 | Order (of Prohibition) (Secs. 110 & 114 CC) | WORD | |
27A (C75) | Order of Prohibition to Operate a Vessel, Aircraft, Railway | ||
28 | Designation of Counsel | WORD | |
Request for Presiding Justice of the Peace Services | |||
Particulars for Judicial Interim Release (Bail) Hearing | |||
Application (Sec. 117.011) (firearms) | |||
Application (Sec. 117.03) (firearms) | |||
59 | Application by Peace Officer for Warrant to Search and Seize (weapons, etc.) (Sec. 117.04) | ||
59.1 | Warrant to Search and Seize (Weapons, etc.) (Sec. 117.04) | WORD | |
59.2 | Report to Justice and Application for Disposition of Articles Seized with a Warrant and Application for Prohibition (Sec. 117.04) | WORD |
Form # | Warrant Forms | ||
5.03 (C75) | Warrant - Order Authorizing the Taking of Bodily Substances for Forensic DNA Analysis (Sec. 487.051(1) and (2)) | ||
5.04 (C75) | Warrant - Order Authorizing the Taking of Bodily Substances for Forensic DNA Analysis (Sec. 487.051(3)) | ||
5.041 (C75) | Warrant - Order to a Person to Have Bodily Substances Taken for Forensic DNA Analysis (Sec. 487.051(4) and 487.055(3.11)) | ||
5.07 | Warrant - Report to a Judge (Sec. 487.057(1)) | ||
47/1 | Warrant - Information to Obtain a Search Warrant | WORD | |
47.1 | Warrant - Information to Obtain a Warrant to Enter Dwelling House to Arrest a Person | WORD | |
48.1/7.1 | Warrant - To Enter a Dwelling House | WORD | |
48/5 | Warrant - To Search | WORD | |
E-Warrant Process | |||
50.1 | Warrant - Order of Initial Detention/Further Detention/Disposition | ||
Warrant - E-Report to Judge Process | |||
50/5.2 | Warrant - Report to a Judge or a Justice | ||
58/1 | Warrant - Information to Obtain a Warrant for Blood Samples | WORD | |
58.1/5 | Warrant - Warrant to Obtain Blood Samples | WORD | |
202T | Warrant - Information to Obtain a Search Warrant (Telewarrant) | WORD | |
203 | Warrant - To Search (Telewarrant) | WORD | |
204 | Warrant - Information to Obtain an Investigative Warrant | WORD | |
205 | Warrant - Investigative Warrant | WORD | |
206T | Warrant - Information to Obtain an Investigative Warrant (Telewarrant) | WORD | |
207T | Warrant - Investigative Warrant (Telewarrant) | WORD |
The Provincial Court is in the process of creating fillable PDF versions of all the Youth Court forms in this section. Updated versions will be posted as they are completed. Please note: All forms, including the interactive versions, must still be printed and hard copies filed with the Court.
Form # | Form Name | ||
Gladue Report/Sentencing Request Form | |||
NSY101 | Information | ||
NSY102 | Appearance Notice Issued by a Peace Officer (French & English) | WORD | |
NSY103 | Promise to Appear (French & English) | WORD | |
NSY104 | Undertaking Given to a Peace Officer or an Officer in Charge (French & English) | WORD | |
NSY105 | Recognizance Entered into Before an Officer in Charge (French & English) | WORD | |
NSY106 | Summons (to a Person Charged with an Offence) | ||
NSY107 | Undertaking given to a Justice or a Judge (French & English) | WORD | |
NSY108 | Undertaking of a Responsible Person | WORD | |
NSY109 | Witness Recognizance (before a Justice or a Judge) | ||
NSY110 | Notice to Parent | ||
NSY111 | Order for Parent to Attend Court | WORD | |
NSY112 | Warrant to Compel Attendance of Parent | WORD | |
NSY113 | Warrant of Arrest | ||
NSY114 | Warrant (of Remand or Committal Pending Trial or Hearing) | WORD | |
NSY115 | Treatment Order (Fitness to Stand Trial) | WORD | |
NSY116 | Disposition (Not Criminally Responsible or Unfit to Stand Trial) | WORD | |
NSY117 | Notice to Review Board | ||
NSY118 | Warrant of Committal (Detention Order) | WORD | |
NSY119 | Assessment Order | WORD | |
NSY120 | Warrant of Remand and Committal (to a Hospital) | WORD | |
NSY121 | Order (to Transport a Prisoner to Court) | WORD | |
NSY122 | Affidavit To Transport a Prisoner to Court | WORD | |
NSY123 | Order for Assessment and Report | WORD | |
NSY124 | Notice of a Youth Justice Court Conference | WORD | |
NSY125 | Notice of Application | WORD | |
NSY126 | Notice of Intention to Seek an Adult Sentence | WORD | |
NSY127 | Notice of Intention to Establish Presumptive Offence (Serious Violent Offence) | WORD | |
NSY128 | Notice of Non-Opposition to an Adult Sentence | WORD | |
NSY128A | Notice of Non-Opposition to a Youth Sentence | WORD | |
NSY 129 | Order for Preparation of Report (other than medical, psychological or psychiatric) | WORD | |
NSY130 | Sentence Order | WORD | |
NSY 131 | Probation Order | WORD | |
NSY 132 | Custody and Supervision Order | WORD | |
NSY 133 | Deferred Custody and Supervision Order | WORD | |
NSY 134 | Conditional Supervision Order | WORD | |
NSY 135 | Order Granting Access to Youth Records and Reports | WORD | |
NSY 136 | Order Following Review of Non-Custodial Sentence | WORD | |
NSY 137 | Order Following Review of Custodial Sentence | WORD | |
NSY 138 | Order to Remain in Custody (Pending Hearing Regarding Continuation of Custody) | WORD | |
NSY 139 | Order for Continuation of Custody | WORD | |
NSY 140 | Order following Review of Allegation of Breach of Conditions of Community Supervision | WORD | |
NSY 141 | Order following Review of Allegation of Breach of Conditions of Conditional Supervision | WORD | |
NSY 142 | Order (of Prohibition) (Sec. 109 and 114 CC and 51(1) YCJA) | WORD | |
NSY 143 | Order (of Prohibition) (Secs. 110 and 114 CC and 51(3) YCJA) | WORD | |
NSY 144 | Order (of Prohibition to Operate a Motor Vehicle) | WORD | |
NSY 145 | Order (taking of Bodily Substances for DNA Analysis) | WORD | |
NSY 146 | Warrant of Committal (Custodial Sentence, Continuation of Custody or Custody Following a Breach of Supervision Conditions) | WORD | |
NSY 147 | Subpoena (to a Witness) |
Rule 1 | General | |
1.1(1) | Fundamental objective | |
1.1(2) | Duty of Counsel, Agents and Self-Represented Persons | |
1.1(3) | Duty of Court | |
1.2 | Scope of Rules | |
1.3 | Definitions | |
Rule 2 | Applications | Forms |
2.1(1) | Notice of Application | Form 1 |
Notice of Application For Court-Appointed Counsel (Rowbotham Application) | Form 1A | |
Affidavit for Court-Appointed Counsel | Form 2A | |
Legal Aid Waiver | Form B | |
Information re: Court-Appointed Counsel (Rowbotham Applications) | ||
2.1(2) | Contents of Notice | |
2.1(3) | Transcripts or Audio Recordings | Form |
2.2(1) | Response | Form 2 |
2.2(2) | Contents of Response | |
2.3 | Additional Material | |
2.4 | Time for Pre-Trial Applications | |
2.5 | Time for Trial Applications | |
2.6 | Time for Third-Party Applications | |
2.7 | Applications on Consent | Form 3 |
Rule 3 | Service | |
3.1 | Times for Service | |
3.1(3) | Exceptions | |
3.2 | Application for Adjournment or to be Removed from Record | |
3.3(1) | Methods of Service | |
3.3(2) | Electronic Filing Technology | |
Rule 4 | Case Management | Forms |
4.1 | Hearing and Trial Management | Form 4.1 |
Form 4.1A | ||
Form 4.1B | ||
4.2 | Judicial Pre-Trial | Form 4.2 |
Pre-Trial Conference Report (complex cases) | Form | |
4.2(4) | Judicial Directions | |
4.2(5) | Record of Pre-Trial Agreements and Admissions | |
4.3 | Focus Hearing | |
4.3(3) | Materials | |
4.3(4) | Absence of Agreement | |
Rule 5 | Practice Directions, Forms and Non-Compliance | |
5.1 | Practice Directions | |
5.2 | Forms | |
5.3 | Non-Compliance with the Rules |
Appearing In Provincial Court via Video Link
The use of video conferencing is now common practice in Provincial Courts throughout Nova Scotia. It is possible for witnesses, defendants, counsel and even judges to appear and participate in the court process through videoconferencing on Microsoft Teams. These are the protocol and procedure documents outlining the requirements for appearing via video link:
Procedure for Accused in Custody
The forms below are provided in Interactive PDF format. They can be printed and filled out manually or filled out on a computer and then printed. However, in both cases, the completed forms must be filed with the Court as a hard (paper) copy.
Form Name | Form |
Court Video Appearance Request Form - Accused Appearance | |
Court Video Appearance Request Form - Appearance of Counsel | |
Court Video Appearance Request Form - Appearance of Witness |
Les formulaires de cette page sont fournis aux formats «PDF statique» et «MS Word». Ils peuvent être imprimés et remplis manuellement ou remplis sur un ordinateur (à l'aide du logiciel Microsoft Word), puis imprimés. Cependant, dans les deux cas, ils doivent être déposés auprès de la Cour sous forme de «copie papier» (sur papier).
Les règles officielles de la Cour Provinciale consolidée se trouvent ICI.
Une version indexée et consultable des règles et directives de pratique de la Cour Provinciale se trouve ICI.
Les requêtes seront introduites en remplissant le formulaire 1.
Les réponses et les consentements aux requêtes seront respectivement rédigés selon les formulaires 2 et 3.
La partie qui présente une requête, qui répond à une requête ou qui donne son consentement à une requête, peut le faire en remplissant le formulaire 1, 2 ou 3, selon le cas, et en faisant parvenir le formulaire par la poste, par télécopieur ou par courrier électronique à l’adresse de la Cour provinciale où la requête doit être instruite.
Une copie du formulaire doit être remise à la partie adverse conformément à la règle 3
Règle | Formulaire | Formulaire PDF | TPA Formulaire |
2.1(1) Avis de requête | Avis de requête Formulaire 1 | Formulaire 1 | TPA Formulaire 1 |
Requête en obtention d'un avocat rémunéré par l'État | Formulaire 1A | ||
Affidavit à l'appui d'une Requête en obtention d'un avocat rémunéré par l'État | Formulaire 2A | ||
Renonciation | Formulaire B | ||
Information sur l'avocat rémunéré par l'Éta | Questions et réponses | ||
2.1(3) Transcriptions ou enregistrements audio | Transcriptions ou enregistrements audio Formulaire 1 | Formulaire 1 | TPA Formulaire 1 |
2.2(1) Réponse | Réponse Formulaire 2 | Formulaire 2 | TPA Formulaire 2 |
2.7 Requêtes sur consentement | Formulaire 3 | TPA Formulaire 3 |