Supreme Court Justice Kevin Coady Retires

A portrait of Justice Kevin Coady.

The Honourable Justice Kevin Coady is retiring from the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, effective July 31, 2024. His retirement comes after serving on the Court for almost 21 years.

“Justice Coady has had an exemplary career, both as a renowned attorney and a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia,” said The Honourable Deborah K. Smith, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. “He is known by everyone for his kind, down-to-earth manner and professionalism both inside and outside the courtroom. The Supreme Court will not be the same without him.”

Justice Coady graduated from St. Francis Xavier University with a Bachelor of Arts in 1973, earning the Larkin Memorial Award for outstanding achievement. He went on to obtain his Bachelor of Laws from Dalhousie Law School (now the Schulich School of Law) in 1981 and was called to the Nova Scotia Bar that same year.

Justice Coady articled and practiced law with the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission before going into private practice in 1982. In 2002, he received the prestigious Queen’s Counsel (now King’s Counsel) designation.

On Nov. 6, 2003, he was appointed a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, serving his first three years with the Family Division in Halifax, before settling in the General Division at The Law Courts in Halifax.

During his time there, Justice Coady presided over what became the longest criminal trial in the history of Nova Scotia (more commonly known as “The Knowledge House Trial”). 

Justice Coady elected supernumerary status in 2018.

Prior to his appointment, Justice Coady served as First Vice-President of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society and as a member of the Task Force on Professional Civility. He has also been a member of the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission, an instructor at Dalhousie Law School, and a contributor to the Continuing Legal Education Society. Following his appointment, Justice Coady’s contributions to the legal profession continued as a Commissioner with the Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia.

Justice Coady is adjourning to his next chapter wherein he will preside at his favorite golf course and limit any decisions to club selection and return dates.  When he is away from the golf course, he looks forward to more quality time with his family and cheering on the next generation of Coadys.