The Hon. Chief Justice Deborah K. Smith, in her role as Acting Chair of the Nova Scotia Judicial Council, has appointed a new member to the independent Review Committee investigating concerns raised about a Provincial Court judge.
In December 2023, Chief Justice Smith appointed Judge Alan Tufts, Jane O’Neill, K.C., and Joseph Gillis to sit on the Review Committee to look into the conduct of Judge Alain Bégin. They began their work shortly after. Earlier this month, Ms. O’Neill advised her colleagues that she is unable to continue, due to personal reasons, and is withdrawing from the Review Committee.
Melanie Petrunia has agreed to replace her on the Review Committee, effective immediately.
Ms. Petrunia is a Halifax-based lawyer and adjudicator. Her full biography is available online at https://www.petrunialaw.com/about.
The work of the Review Committee is still underway. As per the Provincial Court Act, the members of the Committee will consider the cases referred to them and decide whether to dismiss the complaints, resolve them with the agreement of the judge involved, or refer them to a hearing of the Nova Scotia Judicial Council.
Like with past reviews, when the work of the Review Committee is complete, a report will be prepared. In this case, that report will be provided to the Acting Chair of the Judicial Council.