Dockets of the Nova Scotia Courts

Court dockets outline what is happening in our courts each day and are, for the most part, public records. The only dockets not distributed publicly are those related to Wellness Court Programs, like the Mental Health Court and Domestic Violence Court, and Supreme Court (Family Division). While there are certain restrictions associated with Youth Court dockets, paper versions are posted daily in courthouses with modifications, such as redaction or initialization of names in order to comply with publication restrictions under the Youth Criminal Justice Act and Nova Scotia’s Youth Justice Act.

The Nova Scotia Courts have gone a step further by posting the dockets for most Courts online. This includes the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Bankruptcy Court, and Night Court dockets.

The following dockets are not available online, but are available by email each morning:

     • Provincial Court of Nova Scotia (daily)
     • Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Chambers (daily)
     • Nova Scotia Court of Appeal Chambers (Wed/Thurs)
     • Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Crownside (Thurs)

Please fill out the information below to subscribe to the daily email. Note that you cannot customize which dockets you receive by email; instead, you can click the links in the daily email to access those you want to review.